
thankful thankful thankful

this week by myself has been so much different than i thought it would be! i miss my husband terribly; i expected that. he is the first thing i think of when i wake up. he is the first person i want to tell when something good happens, or something bad happens, or something funny happens. he makes my heart jump when i get home from work in the morning and i run up to see him. he is my person. the one i get to be with every day, to eat with and sit by and drive with and go grocery shopping with and chat with. those are the things i miss! i can't wait to get my person back.

that being said, i have been overwhelmed with love and gratitude and kindness and friendship and love this week! my friends have looked out for me and fed me and taken care of me and sprayed my house for bugs and watched over me. i am so blessed to have friends that are so beautiful on the inside and out! they are my family. i love them wholeheartedly.

i have been so showered with love by my amazing friends at work. they have been so truly concerned about me and it shows. i'm so humbled by how kind they have been. i have cried soo much in this past week, sometimes because i miss dan or i get a surprise call from him, but it's usually because i receive a beautiful card or a sweet note or a package filled with soo much love. happy tears. i have felt so blessed and loved and overwhelmed. what i went through was hard, but it can not compare with what i have learned and how i have grown from this. i was given a trial but Heavenly Father gave me sooo much to help me not just overcome it, but grow and learn and be forever changed from it. i hope i can always use this experience to keep my life simple, to help others, and most of all to remember how Heavenly Father watches over my every single move and carries me in his arms.

there are so many good people out there and i have been so blessed to be touched by them. i would love to write to each person specifically but that must be what thank you cards are for. but publically: thank you! thank you for your beautiful, sweet facebook messages that always brought me to tears. thank you for sending us money to help rebuild. thank you for just truly caring about us and our well-being. love is the greatest healer and gift. i have felt my Savior's love through you. what a beautiful thing.

i am now at home being loved by sweet daddy and mama. they are the most incredible people. i love to be with them. they make me laugh and cry happy tears and i am so thankful that we can hug and tell each other we love each other every day and have so much happiness in our family. we have what matters most in life!

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